If given the proper environment; including proper nutrients, a sense of community, supportive thought patterns and ample rest and exercise, the body can thrive effortlessly. Wholistic Kinesiology® is a unique framework that allows us to connect to your specific body and determine the greatest leverages point to restore its vitality rapidly.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman


Maslow's hierarchy of needs helps to remind us that the pinnacle of our wellness structure is self actualization. We each have unique ideas, inspirations, dreams and desires. We are complex and beautiful creatures and we have much to contribute to the mosaic of humanity.

Finding our unique passions and expressing them to the fullest engages the body at the cellular level and makes us come alive. No wellness approach can be complete without including this vital and inspiring factor. When we align with our passion and joy our body organizes and engages in brilliant ways. We light up, we turn on and our cells rally around purpose.